Thrive Relation Recovery - Therapy Services in Centennial, CO

Why Should I Be Concerned About My Pornography Addiction?

Karen Norris • Sep 12, 2020

Many people think pornography enhances their intimate relationships. However, the negative effects of pornography are real. Let's discuss why. 

A lot of men think they can either heal themselves or simply quit their pornography addiction. They do fine for a little while only to come back to it and continue to struggle. Likewise, some men will seek out counseling and have found success. However, after treatment, they relapse but keep it a secret. Before long, they find themselves lost in their addiction all over again. 
If these situations sound familiar, you are not alone. Many people (both women and men) struggle with pornography addiction. So, why should you be concerned about your pornography addiction? Many believe pornography addiction is harmless. Or, for some, they think it enhances their intimate relationships. However, the negative effects of pornography are real. Pornography addiction changes the way your brain functions. 
In this article, we'll discuss why you may want to reconsider reaching out for help to overcome your pornography addiction. 
Thrive Relational Recovery - Why Should I Be Concerned About My Pornography Addiction?

Why is Pornography Addiction So Difficult to Overcome?

In the brain, pornography works a lot like a drug addiction. While you're not becoming addicted to a substance like marijuana or cocaine, your brain responds similar to that of a drug. 


Pornography stimulates the reward system in the brain. So, once you've had a positive experience with porn, your brain will crave it again. As a result, you can quickly develop urges to gain more sexual gratification through the same form of entertainment. For some, they may return to internet porn, while others may seek physical intimacy or another medium. Over time, this connection between the brain's reward system and the medium becomes powerful. As a result, you lose the ability to avoid urges, thus forming a highly-addictive pornography addiction (


The internet is something you likely access every day, for work or other activities. So, it is no wonder that pornography is a constant temptation. It is at your fingertips any time you want it. As a result of such easy access, it's easy for a pornography addiction to work its way into your everyday life.

Thrive Relational Recovery -Why is Pornography Addiction So Difficult to Overcome?

What is Your Porn Addiction Doing to You?

At first, pornography feels exciting and brings you great amounts of pleasure. However, it can quickly take over and affect your life in many negative ways. Here are a few ways in which pornography addiction can negatively impact you in the future: (


  • Less satisfaction with sexual partners
  • Increased loneliness and disconnection
  • Trouble being in long term relationships; it can lead to divorce.
  • Loss of money: pornography sites can become expensive
  • Less confidence in yourself; many men report that they have MORE confidence once they give up porn. In the Stop Procrastinating survey, 72% of men said improved confidence was a major benefit of giving up porn. ( In other words, they have less confidence when they are struggling with pornography addiction.
  • Loss of career: consider what would happen if you were caught looking at pornography while at the office. It could have devastating effects on your career.

Thrive Relational Recovery - What is Your Porn Addiction Doing to You?

How to Find Help Overcoming Your Pornography Addiction

Many men feel too embarrassed or ashamed about their pornography addictions. As a result, this stalls them from getting the help they need to overcome it. Or, they think they can quit on their own, and they don't need help from a professional. 


Are any of those reasons your reason for avoiding asking for help? If so, we understand. Likewise, we also know the destructive path pornography addiction takes you down. You can get the support you need at Thrive Relational Recovery. Together, we can help you regain control of your urges. As a result, you can move toward a future with more confidence and the real intimacy your life deserves.

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